
Stefani Varner

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Missionary superheroes — They’re not a real thing

For Stefani Varner, missionaries once seemed to be Superman, Indiana Jones, Inspector Gadget, the Good Samaritan, and Grandma all wrapped into one. Then she became one.

Students & a lifetime of global engagement

As the church works to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations, Christian leaders must ensure that mobilizing students is a major part of that plan.

Int’l intentionality at a campus near you

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- During my senior year of college, I was invited to join more than 500 Chinese students and their families to celebrate Chinese New Year. I spent several hours eating authentic food, watching talent shows and videos from celebrations around the world, and learning about various customs and traditions. The time came for the door prize drawing, and suddenly, I heard my name called.