Bible Study: Loving God, loving others
Parents are excited to hear their child’s first words, especially when those first words are Mama or Daddy. Not all words, though, cause elation. Seemingly, children soon learn two other words they say with much conviction. The first is No! The second is Mine! Nobody has to teach children to be selfish; instead, we have to teach them to share.
Bible Study: Who do you worship?
In America, we tend to glorify athletes, worship beauty and tend to relate popularity to power. These aren’t bad things in themselves but as believers, we need to ask the question: Who is truly deserving of our worship?
Bible Study: God’s Ten Commandments
After God delivered the Israelites from cruel slavery in Egypt, God demonstrated His concern for human welfare, righteousness and flourishing of His image-bearers by giving the Ten Commandments.
Bible Study: His faithfulness endures to all generations
The truths found in the great Exodus story of the Passover still apply to us today. We can trust God to remember us and deliver us from whatever bondage we suffer.
Bible Study: Wonderful counselor, prince of peace
One thing that’s great about Hallmark Christmas movies is that they are predictably, inevitably heartwarming, offering perfect endings and a longed-for peace hard to come by on Earth.
Bible Study: What’s your excuse?
We are sometimes overwhelmed by our weaknesses, unable to see how God can use us. God reminds us that His strength is sufficient, and everything is under His sovereign hand.
Bible Study: God provides what we need for spiritual battle
We may view the Lord’s prayer as an invitation to God, but it really is an invitation to us; a call for us to participate in God’s purposes in His creation.
Bible Study: Tell others what Jesus has done for you
Believers can expect to be questioned, mocked and opposed when we declare Jesus to be the Messiah. Our lives and our conversations should bear witness to what Jesus has done for us.
Bible Study: Favoritism, jealousy and family dynamics
Jealousy thrives in the world of artists and musicians. One of the more renowned tales of jealousy comes from the classic movie “Amadeus,” which dramatizes the fictionalized account of Salieri’s jealousy of Mozart.
Bible Study: God’s ways are better than our own
God is ever merciful and full of grace to His people, fulfilling His promises despite our sin. We, however, still need to wait on Him, rather than forging ahead on our own.