Bible Study: Blessings, responsibilities as God’s people
Home ownership is a blessing that carries with it responsibility. People can feel a sense of pride when they sign the paperwork and receive the keys to their new home. That sense of pride can turn to dread when the air conditioning breaks or the roof needs replacing.
Bible Study: Jesus, giver of all good things
Some of us are willing to experience personal pain before asking for help. But when someone else is involved like a spouse, child, parent or friend, we’re willing to get whatever help we can to see someone we love receive the help and care they need.
Bible Study: His holy presence
God’s presence is a constant in the lives of believers, but sometimes we forget or ignore that reality. This can happen whether we’re on the mountaintops of life, or in the valleys of despair.
Bible Study: God has made a way for us
Remember living rooms? These were always separate from a family room or den. The living room was used only for special occasions. It always had the nicest furniture in the house, furniture the kids were not to play on.
Bible Study: What do you see?
Perhaps you’ve seen the image known as “Rubin’s Vase,” where from one viewpoint a vase is seen and from the other, two men are facing each other. It’s a classic trick that our own brain can play on us. We see what we’re expecting to see.
Bible Study: Stop grumbling, be grateful
If you have ever read an online review for a restaurant, hotel or product, you know that there are those who love to complain. The truth is, we all complain at one time or another.
Bible Study: Christ, our all in all
The late baritone Barry White serenaded his sweetheart in 1974, proclaiming, “You’re the First, the Last, My Everything.” But have you ever truly considered that of any one person?
Bible Study: Loving God, loving others
Parents are excited to hear their child’s first words, especially when those first words are Mama or Daddy. Not all words, though, cause elation. Seemingly, children soon learn two other words they say with much conviction. The first is No! The second is Mine! Nobody has to teach children to be selfish; instead, we have to teach them to share.
Bible Study: Who do you worship?
In America, we tend to glorify athletes, worship beauty and tend to relate popularity to power. These aren’t bad things in themselves but as believers, we need to ask the question: Who is truly deserving of our worship?
Bible Study: God’s Ten Commandments
After God delivered the Israelites from cruel slavery in Egypt, God demonstrated His concern for human welfare, righteousness and flourishing of His image-bearers by giving the Ten Commandments.