YEAR IN REVIEW: 2024 unites Southern Baptists in Great Pursuit through IMB
From the Great Commission to the Great Multitude, we unite in a Great Pursuit of those who have yet to hear the good news of the Gospel. This year has been filled with stories of how Southern Baptists joined together to address lostness as the world’s greatest problem.
7 ways God answered your prayers in 2024
Intercessory prayer is an essential part of completing the Great Commission. God works through the prayers of Southern Baptists to impact lostness. The International Mission Board has seen it!
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit in Europe
Air from the blood pressure cuff released with a whoosh. The young nurse gently patted the elderly woman’s hand and asked a few medical questions, pausing to write down notes for the doctor at this free clinic in an Armenian church foyer. It wasn’t long before the women from different countries chatted like old friends and bowed their heads to pray.
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit in South Asia
When I’m searching for an unengaged, unreached people group, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me someone open to the Gospel. One day, that simple prayer led me to the water’s edge, where an old man fished from strings tied to his hand. He asked why I was there.
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit in Northern Africa
As Jay looked into the valley below, he noticed dots of flickering lights, the tiny glow of open fires from the villages at the base of the mountain. In the dark of the night, they were the only light except for the stars above. Jay pointed out the fires to Timothy, his national partner.
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit on Southeast Asian islands
David York still gets tears in his eyes when he remembers God speaking to him through Ephesians 3. In the isolation of the pandemic, David asked God for a vision for the work on the islands where he and his wife Regan serve with the IMB.
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit in Brazil
Danilo Miranda moved hurriedly through the Rio de Janeiro airport. He was on his way across the world to attend a Global Senders Forum. The conference highlighted the IMB’s and other sending organizations’ commitment to globalization. It was a fitting conference for the IMB missionary who is originally from Brazil. Danilo’s ministry in Brazil has been focused on mobilizing the church in Brazil to fulfill the Revelation 7:9 vision.
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit among the Deaf
Two years ago, there was no church-planting movement among the Deaf in Slovenia. The Bible didn’t even exist in Slovenian Sign Language. Before a church could be planted, Deaf Slovenians needed a Bible translation they could understand. International Mission Board missionaries know how important this is, and much of their focus is on Bible translation for Deaf people groups.
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit in Central Asia
EDITOR’S NOTE: This year’s Week of Prayer for International Missions in the Southern Baptist Convention is Dec. 1-8. Each year’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions supplements Cooperative Program giving to support Southern Baptists international missionaries’ initiatives in sharing the Gospel. This year’s offering goal is $205 million. To find information and resources about […]
WEEK OF PRAYER: The Great Pursuit in Senegal
Twenty-five Senegalese islanders crowded into a classroom. Sitting in front of a film projector, their eyes were glued to the screen. As they watched the JESUS film, International Mission Board missionaries Moses and Beth saw clear emotion on the faces of the islanders.