Lead On Podcast

Herbie Newell

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FIRST-PERSON: Reclaiming America’s leadership in global child welfare

As our nation prepares for a new administration, it is impossible to ignore the influence these individuals will have not only on domestic policies but also on the world’s perception of America’s heart and values. The mission of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is one area that offers a profound opportunity for leadership and attention. The department's responsibility to protect the well-being of vulnerable children and families goes far beyond its association with public health. HHS must prioritize child protection.

FIRST-PERSON: How Christians can answer the call of the orphan care crisis

Our world is marked by war, disease, disasters and political shortcomings. Jesus guaranteed that every one of us would have tribulations like these in this life. However, thanks be to God, He also assured us that He has overcome the world and the weight of sin which has marred all of creation. One of the ways we help push back this darkness is by obeying the important biblical command given to Christ followers from James 1:27 – to care for orphans and widows in their distress.

FIRST-PERSON: Following God’s heart for the world’s orphans

Pastor Raphael Kujjubi left everything he and his family knew to plant King Jesus Church in the midst of the predominantly Muslim slum of Busega, Uganda. Busega lacked a church committed to proclaiming the Gospel that also was showing Gospel-driven justice to the most vulnerable. Busega was known for children born blind and deaf who were treated as though their lives had no value – that they themselves had no value.

FIRST-PERSON: What if abortion finally became illegal?

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) – Several years ago, when videos of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts went viral and lawmakers around the country responded with warranted shock and disgust, we began to notice a renewed mission to protect preborn children by advocating for alternatives that support, protect and defend the sanctity of life.