
Anthony L. Jordan

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FIRST-PERSON: Christmas acts of kindness

Anthony Jordan sets forth ideas for generous giving and ministry to others that can lift a family's Christmas joy beyond society's holiday focus on retail materialism.

FIRST-PERSON: Beyond pizza parties & paintball nights

Emerging from a week as a youth camp pastor, Anthony Jordan issues a call to help Christian teens understand "how and why the Bible is so countercultural on moral issues of the day."

FIRST-PERSON: The reality of lostness

Anthony Jordan yearns for churches to break from their regular routines for a time of "heightened sensitivity" to people who are "lost in sin, headed for an appointment with the wrath of God and a Christless eternity in hell."


Think ahead -- and pray -- about how you can use Easter services to help loved ones and friends come to faith in Christ, Anthony Jordan writes. "Yes, it's several weeks before Easter, but seed planting and cultivation precede the harvest," he writes.

SANCTITY OF LIFE: 30 years of offering hope

Ministries like the Hope Pregnancy Center in Oklahoma are not only vitally involved in saving the lives of the unborn, "but they also are committed to sharing with the mother the Good News about abundant life through Jesus," writes Anthony L. Jordan, executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. "These centers have recorded 1,929 professions of faith by clients over these last 30 years. To God be the glory!"

FIRST-PERSON: An amazing Christmas gift

For Christmas, Anthony Jordan suggests "an amazing gift … that will have long-lasting impact": writing your "Legacy of Faith." Even if some family members may not grasp the value of your conversation story, Jordan writes, "there will come a day when this gift will mean more than gold."

FIRST-PERSON: An issue of the heart

The nation's tumult won't be resolved by government or the laws it enacts, Anthony Jordan writes. "Laws can help, and have helped, but laws do not change the hearts of people," Jordan, executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, notes. "The local church must step forward as a force for racial reconciliation."

EASTER: The cross — far more than jewelry

OKLAHOMA CITY (BP) -- What would you think if people everywhere wore jewelry shaped or imprinted with an electric chair? Think of it -- beautiful and ornate jewelry made of gold or silver and adorned with diamonds or other precious stones. No, fine jewelry, beloved jewelry in the shape of an electric chair -- the symbol of death to murderers -- does not sound appealing at all. Yet over these 2,000 years, the cross -- the place of Roman execution for murderers and ...

FIRST-PERSON: Evil didn’t triumph 20 years ago

OKLAHOMA CITY (BP) -- What began as a beautiful spring morning ended as one of the darkest days in the history of Oklahoma and our nation. I remember the day well. I had spent the early morning in my study at home preparing Sunday messages and was driving toward the church. The beauty of the spring morning made my heart glad and thankful.

Three goals

OKLAHOMA CITY (BP)--Because I am a preacher, I tend to think in threes. Normal people have circular thoughts or thoughts that come in ones or twos, or maybe even fours or fives. But any self-respecting Baptist preacher will always think in three points. It just isn't comfortable to think outside the box.