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4 steps to becoming a church that welcomes young adults

Sunday morning! The sun is out, the church doors are unlocked, the AC is on (and working!), and the fellowship hall smells of homemade breakfast. A week has come and gone, and now it’s time to worship and fellowship with the church family.

Prayer and meditation

 Christian leaders have correctly identified numerous problems with the wholesale endorsement of the meditation exercises promoted by both Hinduism and Buddhism. Still, according to Pew Research, a higher percentage of evangelicals than Hindus meditate in any given week in America. Where is the disconnect? Are Christians and Hindus talking about two different things? 

How to address church members who are too busy to serve

Seasonal missions or outreach opportunities arise throughout the year: Vacation Bible School, a mission trip, a partnership event at a local school, a chance to show appreciation to first responders, a service project, a Fall festival, or a Christmas invite event. Every church’s list is different and adapts a little over time. But these planned events that involve many people in your church in a joint effort to share the gospel are vital to the life and witness of your church.

How to hold church staff accountable in a hybrid remote work environment

I’ve written previously about why required office hours may not be the best arrangement for church staff. Jesus didn’t say, “Stay in the church building.” He said, “Go.” It is much harder to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission from a desk.

Making the most of your summer mission experience

Summer is finally here. The weather is heating up. The school year is coming to an end. Our church ministry schedules take on a new pace and emphasis. Short-term mission trips are one summer ministry that are becoming more of a standard in many churches.

A patriot’s faith

Being a patriot is not a sin, nor is it something to be ashamed of. In fact, being concerned for your country, caring about its future, and being passionate about its values can be commendable. But our passion and concern must be rightly ordered.

Take time to rest, recharge and recalibrate

Summer is here! This is a busy time for my family, but we always try to get away for a week or so. Though I love summer, I also realize these next couple of months will go by quickly. I certainly don’t want to get to the end of the season and wonder what I accomplished.

How to pray Scripture

In 1549 Thomas Cranmer organized the publication of The Book of Common Prayer, which is still used today by millions of people in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Speaking with a sense of humor, the late J. I. Packer said, “Long before the age of fish and chips, the Book of Common Prayer was the Great British invention, nurturing all sorts and conditions of Englishmen and holding the church together with remarkable effectiveness.”

5 steps for creating a crisis communication plan for a church

In times of church crisis, clear and effective communication can make a crucial difference in maintaining trust and ensuring the safety and well-being of your congregation. For pastors of congregations of all sizes, having an effective crisis communication plan isn’t just a necessity; it’s a responsibility. Here are five simple steps for creating a crisis communication plan you can adapt based on your church.

7 questions for creating a fall training event for group leaders

Training is a vital part of your church’s group ministry success, and it’s a topic I’m passionate about. I’ve been in full-time ministry since 1992, and I have a 30-year history of providing ongoing training for the group leaders in four churches I’ve served as a discipleship/groups pastor.