
Todd Gray

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Things that make us pray

What drives you to your knees in prayer? A pastor friend said, as I was listening to him describe a remarkably difficult time in his pastorate, that this event was certainly causing him to pray, and in his words, “anything that makes you pray is a good thing.” 

The ministry doldrums

There is an oceanic experience known as the doldrums, which refers to certain regions of the ocean marked by the absence of strong winds. Pastors and ministry leaders also experience what feels like ministry doldrums a season when the wind is not filling your sails and things feel flat. 

Fruit that did not last 

I had dinner recently with a couple who were saved and baptized in the last church I pastored. This couple has walked with Jesus for several years now and raised children who are following Christ. They are faithful in their local church and have intentionally ordered their lives as ambassadors for Jesus.  

Tips on evangelistic preaching

Years ago, I determined to learn more about evangelistic preaching to practice it more faithfully. While I would not classify myself as skilled in this area, I have learned some things that have proven helpful.

How are you doing?

I was on campus at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently when someone asked how I was doing. I looked at the books I had just purchased at the bookstore and remarked I just purchased three copies of a book entitled, “I Have PTSD” — one for me and two for friends — if that tells you anything.

A burden for lost souls

I remember hearing someone describe Adrian Rogers, former pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, as a “weeper.” Dr. Rogers was known for shedding tears over the lost condition and pending judgment of those who, because of their own sin and rebellion, were alienated from God. He went on to say that when it comes to evangelism “weepers are reapers.”  

Workaholism not acceptable

At a funeral several years ago, I heard a pastor describe himself as a workaholic. But he quickly followed it up by saying that there are worse things one could be. 

FIRST-PERSON: This is why we cooperate

When I saw the social media post from Dr. Paul Chitwood, president of our SBC International Mission Board, reporting that there are 1,268 candidates in the IMB’s missionary sending pipeline, my immediate response was, “This is why we cooperate!”

FIRST-PERSON: Work on character

When hiring a new team member, it is important to consider the candidate’s character, competency, chemistry, capacity, calling and more. But if the character piece is missing, the rest of those traits don’t really matter.

FIRST-PERSON: Leaders must do this

There is a plethora of helpful advice in print, podcast and video available for leaders today. A simple internet search on leadership will deliver thousands of pages of resources, webinars, training opportunities, professional certificates, books and more.