News Articles

GuideStone popular resources available at SBC

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) – GuideStone Financial Resources will once again make available the popular Wellness Center June 10–12 during the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference and the 2019 SBC Annual Meeting.

Personal health assessments will be available during the sessions each day the exhibit hall is open, Monday and Tuesday until 6 p.m. and until 1 p.m. Wednesday. The free assessments — valued at $150 — provide a report suitable to take to participants’ family doctors. The wellness screening offers blood-based screenings for cholesterol and glucose.

GuideStone staff will be available during all exhibit hall hours to meet with participants about their retirement accounts or to speak about insurance coverage.

GuideStone will offer its Preparing for Retirement seminar from 1-2 p.m. Tuesday, June 11 in Chamomile Room 407 of the Sheraton Hotel, attached to the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex. Registration is recommended but not required. Attendees can register at GuideStone.org/Seminar.

A free two-part giveaway of coffee and a coffee mug (while supplies last) is available, with the first part at the GuideStone Property and Casualty display and the second part at the nearby Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company booth, with which GuideStone has an alliance to provide property and casualty coverage and education.

Mission:Dignity Sunday — June 23 on the Southern Baptist calendar — arrives shortly after the SBC annual meeting. And attendees can request free promotional materials at the GuideStone booth, by visiting MDSunday.org or by texting MDORDER to 41444 from a mobile device.

Mission:Dignity provides financial assistance to nearly 1,700 retired Southern Baptist workers, ministers and their widows in critical financial need. For more information on Mission:Dignity, visit MissionDignity.org. Materials for Mission:Dignity Sunday are undated, so they can be used throughout the year.

While supplies last, participants can also pick up a free copy of both “The Christmas Code: Daily Devotions Celebrating the Advent Season” and “The Easter Code: A 40-Day Journey to the Cross.” The short devotions, written by GuideStone President O.S. Hawkins, have been used effectively by hundreds of churches for evangelistic outreach during the Advent and Lenten seasons. Additionally, messengers can pick up a free copy of “The Joshua Code: 52 Scripture Verses Every Believer Should Know,” while supplies last. All author royalties and proceeds from sales of the books benefit Mission:Dignity.

    About the Author

  • Roy Hayhurst

    Roy Hayhurst is director of denominational and public relations services for GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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